The introduction of WhatsApp Channel has been in various conversations for quite a while now. The company gave a hint on this new feature some months back without stating the exact date it would be available to the general public. At long last, the feature we have all been waiting for is here. WhatsApp has finally rolled out a new update which introduces “Channels”. As a whole new feature, finding your ways around it can be quite confusing, which is why we are here to guide you through the steps in creating a WhatsApp Channel.
Features Of WhatsApp Channel:
The WhatsApp channel will work similarly to WhatsApp communities and WhatsApp groups, where you can broadcast information to users, share updates, etc. However, with Channels, there is a major difference as only the Channel admin is authorized to share on the channel. Users will be free to follow their preferred channels based on their interests.
How To Create a channe
1. For Android:
Take the following steps to create a WhatsApp channel on an Android device:
- Launch WhatsApp on your phone and tap on the Updates tab.
- Tap the + icon and then select New Channel.
- Tap on Get Started.
- Review and accept the terms of service and privacy policy to create your WhatsApp channel.
- Choose a name for your WhatsApp channel and create the channel. You will be able to change your channel name at any time in the future.
- Personalize your channel by adding an icon. You can select any desired photo from your device.
- Craft a channel description by summarizing your channel, its purpose, and the services it offers.
- Tap on Create channel to finish the process.
Important links
ગુજરાતીમાં માહિતી માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો
વોટ્સ એપ પર ચેનલ કઈ રીતે બનાવવી જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો
વોટ્સ એપ ચેનલ સુ છે અને કેવી રીતે આપણે ઉપયોગી થઈ શકે જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો
2. For IPhone:
Creating a WhatsApp Channel on iPhone is similar, with one minor difference. Let’s take a look:
- Launch the Whatsapp app on your iPhone and tap on the Updates tab located at the bottom-right of the screen.
- Tap the + icon and select Create Channel.
- Tap on Get Started and accept the terms of Service and Privacy policy to proceed.
- Add a channel name, write a channel description, and add an icon. Remember, you can modify this information later in the future.
- Tap Create Channel to finish the process.
પંચાયત કર્મચારીઓ ની જિલ્લા ફેરબદલી નો ત્રીજો ઓર્ડર જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો
To share your channel with others, navigate to the Channel info page and copy the link associated with your channe
Add a channel description: Write a few words to help potential followers understand what you
Tap Create channel, and you’re done!
What is WhatsApp Channel?
Before we go through the process of creating a WhatsApp Channel, let’s take a moment to understand this feature. Take WhatsApp Channel as your private newsletter on WhatsApp. As the owner of a WhatsApp Channel, you can share updates with your subscribers directly on the app. As a subscriber, you can search for your favorite Channels and subscribe to them. In this case, you receive all updates directly on WhatsApp. This feature also takes care of your privacy. Other subscribers will not know if you have subscribed to the channel. Same way, your WhatsApp details are also hidden from other subscribers and the administrators of the channels.
Now that you’re all set up with a channel, learn how to share an update here. You can find and share a link to your channel from the channel info page.
To get to your channel info page:
Open Channels by clicking the Channels icon.
Click your channel, and then your channel name.
Click Copy link.
To get help with your channel, reach out to support: WhatsApp Settings > Help > Contact us.