=>Chief Minister Vijaybhai Rupani on the occasion of the 50th founding day of the state of Gujarat in the current Corona virus infection and lockdown. An important announcement has been made to give the gift of May 1 to the middle class families of the state
 =>Announcing this important gift in a public message on the occasion of Gujarat Foundation Day, the Chief Minister said that all the citizens of the state should unite and fight against the spread of Corona virus by showing vigilance and awareness. 4 crore people next date. Thursday 5th May During the five days of May 1, 10 kg of wheat, 2 kg of rice, 1 kg of dal and 1 kg of sugar per family will be distributed free of cost from government approved cheap food shops.
 =>The Chief Minister has made this important announcement with the feeling that no citizen has to go to bed hungry in the current situation in the state. The distribution of this grain is estimated at Rs. The state government will provide Rs 200 crore. The Chief Minister has also given another gift to such families on the occasion of Gujarat Foundation Day with the commitment to provide health protection cover to 3 lakh families holding Maa-Vatsalyam and Maa-Amritam Yojana cards.
 =>Vijaybhai Rupani has announced that any person in the family of a beneficiary of such Maa-Vatsalya Maa-Amruttam Yojana will have to undergo coronary artery disease surgery for medical reasons during illness. If so, the entire cost of the test will be borne by the state government.
 =>The Chief Minister has taken these decisions on the occasion of the 70th Gujarat Foundation Day with the aim of motivating Gujarat in the direction of good governance on the four main pillars of transparency, sensitivity and decisiveness and dynamism. Vijaybhai Rupani has also taken a new approach to inspire the celebration of the 70th Gujarat Pride Day in the current Corona virus infection as a contribution of every Gujarati in the fight against Corona.
  =>In this regard, the Chief Minister has called upon all the citizens of the state to resolve for self-cleanliness on the occasion of Gujarat Foundation Day – Gujarat Pride Day. He said that everyone should decide to wear a mask when going out of the house, maintain social distance and wash their hands frequently with soap.
 =>The Chief Minister has also appealed to all to upload their video-photos on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter along with the ‘Hase Tag Vijay Sankalp’.